Free Livestream Practice & Teaching with Master Mingtong

The Keys to Activate Your
Natural Energy To Heal

with Wisdom Healing Qigong

Use Ancient Wisdom & Modern Technology to
Develop a Successful Practice for Healing & Awakening

Tap into the Innate Wisdom of your

Master Mingtong will share:

• How to use modern, digital technology to facilitate your learning and practice at home

• How to connect with the ultimate source of life energy and experience it directly

• How to activate and cultivate your abilities to bring Universal life energy into your physical body

• How to tap into and contribute to the collective energy field of a group — even online

• How to develop a consistent, joyful practice to transform old habits into wiser new behaviors

• How to connect with a Master Teacher’s energetic transmissions and the Qigong tradition

• How to realize your intention of greater wellbeing, health, and healing


shift from being controlled by fear and anxiety to living with expansiveness, self-empowerment, and creativity

address and transform the deep causes of any illness or challenge in your life

effectively release life-limiting stress every day, as well as any trauma from the past that has been stored in the cellular memory of your body

start by activating new vibrant energy that enlivens your health, happiness, and abundance – in spite of current world crises, social distress, and the pandemic

develop a whole-hearted sense of  self-love, self-worth, and inner harmony – so you have more energy, joy, and love to give to the world

realize both short and long term benefits for emotional ease and equanimity, fulfilling relationships, and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in your life

move from feelings of isolation or depression to feeling safe and supported through connection and community

"I am so deeply grateful for finding Master Mingtong and the Chi Center. I have experienced both physical and emotional healing from my Qigong practice. The new perspective I have on life has been invaluable, due to Master Mingtong’s teachings. The support and sense of community has been very helpful during this time in my life. Thank you so very much."  —Heather C

"I’ve noticed that I’m more open-hearted, although sometimes the emotional pain I feel is deeper and more painful, too. I think I’m more open to other people, and when I’m not, I’m more aware of my judgments and my defenses. I also am more aware of how much I worry and about the fear I carry in my body. I feel that sound healing, the three A's, and the physical practices give me tools for healing and growing that I didn't previously have at my disposal. I'm very curious to see what I learn and what happens as I continue to practice."   —Margaret B

"Thank you, Master Mingtong Gu, the shining star you are, for a wonderful online experience with such amazing meditations, sound healing practices, and your dedication to us all! Qigong has definitely changed my life experience and will continue to do so. My deepest gratitude HAOLA." —Donna W

"Ageless and Priceless Wisdom. Thank you Master Mingtong. These Teachings are a gift to humanity. I am deeply grateful to you for guiding be to access and reawaken so much energy in my body that has become stagnant and blocked through extensive illness and surgery over the last 25 years. Connecting to the energy within me to the energy of the Universe and Humanity as One Whole Being gives healing 'oneself' a great meaning and purpose. A deep bow to my new Teacher. Haola! —Emma C

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About Your Host:
Qigong Master Mingtong Gu

Master Mingtong Gu is one of the World's Leading Practitioners of Zhineng Wisdom Healing Qigong.  He brings his joyful spirit, uplifting teachings, and extensive mastery to his intention to train others to expand wisdom and energy. He has mastered the unique ability to lead the collective energy field to accelerate personal and global healing.

Named The Qigong Master of the Year by the World Congress for Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master Mingtong is a sought after speaker, healer, and teacher for retreats and workshops around the world.

As a Qigong Master, Teacher, and Healer based on his success working with people of all ages with many physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges, Master Mingtong founded the Wisdom Healing Qigong method to make Zhineng Qigong accessible to Western lifestyles and cultures and to benefit people around the world.  The Zhineng Qigong lineage stems from 5,000-year-old Chinese wisdom traditions we now know as Qigong.

Master Mingtong didn't discover Qigong while he was growing up in China. His childhood was very poor, unprivileged, and unstable due to multiple adoption placements and then returning to his birth family at age 8.

Through diligent study, and always being one of the best students in every grade, he left home to attend college at age 16. 
From an early age he was driven to create his own success.

Due to a surprising turn of events, at age 22 he left the country of his birth for America because he was selected  by a famous Fields Medal mathematician who saw promise in him and offered to help him continue his education.  He studied Mathematics with him for 4 years at UCSD and Harvard. However, living in a wealthy country and earning two Masters in mathematics didn't make him happy.

After he got in touch with a deep longing for happiness, almost overnight he let go of his career as a mathematician and followed his heart to study fine arts. He was scared and felt guilty when it came time to tell his math professor his decision, so he was very relieved and grateful when his professor told him,  told "I brought you from China to American to give you a better future."

He rediscovered himself, his passion, his freedom and his pathway to creative expression, while earning an MA in Photography and an MFA in multi-media Art.  But he still did not feel truly happy and fulfilled.

Soon, an American friend introduced him to the practice of Qigong, and he knew right away that Wisdom Healing Qigong was the answer he had been looking for — that through practice he could discover the fulfillment of his heart's desire.

After a short time Master Mingtong' s 
passionate dedication to his interest in Qigong led him to discover Dr. Grandmaster Pang Ming and the Medicine-less Qigong Center in China, where he  apprenticed intensively for several years.

After the completion of his Masters-level training with Grandmaster Pang, Master Mingtong came back to the West, determined to dedicate his life to the teaching of Wisdom Healing Qigong, with lots of enthusiasm, but very few plans or resources to bring his dreams into form.

Due to loans and debt while an art student and then as a "starving artist" he had to claim bankruptcy two years before he left the US to study Qigong in China.  He had no savings and no access to credit when he returned to America as a Qigong Master.

"I didn't return to my old job as an art teacher in the US.  I had no home or bank account, nor any source to obtain paying Qigong students. Yet I was determined — and willing to do anything to dedicate to my new life purpose.  While I was in China, I had not only healed myself from the 'incurable diseases' of asthma and scoliosis, but more importantly I discovered my True Self and began to realize a new depth of joy and fulfillment through Wisdom Healing Qigong" he says.

Now, for more than twenty years, he has continued to trust his life-calling and do everything possible to share the amazing gift of Qigong he received, practiced, and mastered.

In order to realize his vision of long-term health and happiness benefits for all, he has subsequently developed a business to create and teach a complete lifelong-learning mastery program online, along with an organization of teachers, executive, and support staff to sustain and grow his vision.  And, in 2016 he purchased and renovated a beautiful retreat center just outside Santa Fe, New Mexico — the only center in the West to be solely dedicated to healing and awakening through Qigong.

The Chi Center, Inc. •  Master Mingtong Gu, Founder
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